Source code for

# atactk: ATAC-seq toolkit
# Copyright 2015 The Parker Lab at the University of Michigan
# Licensed under Version 3 of the GPL or any later version

Code for reading and manipulating data commonly used in ATAC-seq pipelines.

from __future__ import print_function

import csv
import gzip
import pysam
import sys


    "A": "T",
    "C": "G",
    "G": "C",
    "N": "N",
    "T": "A",
    "a": "t",
    "c": "g",
    "g": "c",
    "n": "n",
    "t": "a",

[docs]class ExtendedFeature(object): """ A feature plus a fixed extended region. You can define the region by passing the `extension` parameter to the constructor, e.g.:: feature = ExtendedFeature(extension=100, **bed_record) Most of :class:`ExtendedFeature`'s attributes map to the first six fields in a BED file. Where our names for the fields differ, the BED format name from is included in parentheses below. Attributes ---------- reference: str The reference sequence on which the feature is located. (``chrom``) feature_start: int The starting position of the feature in the reference sequence, zero-based. (``chromStart``) feature_end: int The ending position of the feature in the reference sequence, which is one past the last base in the feature. (``chromEnd``) name: str The name of the feature. score: float A numeric score. strand: str Either ``+`` or ``-``. """ def __init__(self, reference=None, start=None, end=None, name=None, score=0, strand=None, extension=100): # required BED fields self.reference = reference self.feature_start = int(start) self.feature_end = int(end) # optional BED fields = name self.score = float(score) self.strand = strand # region adjustments self.extension = int(extension) self.is_reverse = strand == '-' self.region_start = self.feature_start - self.extension self.region_end = self.feature_end + self.extension def __str__(self): return '\t'.join(str(attribute or '') for attribute in [ self.reference, self.feature_start, self.feature_end,, self.score, self.strand, self.extension, ]) @property def feature_length(self): return self.feature_end - self.feature_start @property def region_length(self): return self.region_end - self.region_start
[docs]def complement(seq): """ Return the complement of the supplied nucleic sequence. Nucleic of course implies that the only recognized bases are A, C, G, T and N. Case will be preserved. Parameters ---------- seq: str A nucleic sequence. Returns ------- str The complement of the given sequence. """ return ''.join(NUCLEOTIDE_COMPLEMENTS[base] for base in seq)
[docs]def reverse_complement(seq): """ Return the reverse complement of the supplied nucleic sequence. Parameters ---------- seq: str A nucleic sequence. Returns ------- str The reverse complement of the given sequence. See also -------- :func:`` """ return complement(reversed(seq))
[docs]def open_maybe_gzipped(filename): """ Open a possibly gzipped file. Parameters ---------- filename: str The name of the file to open. Returns ------- file An open file object. """ with open(filename, 'rb') as test_read: byte1, byte2 = ord(, ord( if byte1 == 0x1f and byte2 == 0x8b: f =, mode='rt') else: f = open(filename, 'rt') return f
[docs]def count_features(filename): count = 0 for line in open_maybe_gzipped(filename): count += 1 return count
[docs]def read_features(filename, extension=100, feature_class=ExtendedFeature): """ Return a generator of :class:`ExtendedFeature` instances from the named tab-separated value file. Most BED-like files should work; we read the three required and first three optional BED fields to get coordinates, and any extra fields are ignored. Parameters ---------- filename: str The (optionally gzipped) tab-separated value file from which to read features. Use '-' to read from standard input. extension: int The number of bases to score on either side of each feature. feature_class: class Each row of the file will be instantiated with this class. Yields ------ feature An :class:`ExtendedFeature` instance for each row of the file. """ if filename == '-': source = sys.stdin else: source = open_maybe_gzipped(filename) reader = csv.DictReader(source, fieldnames=FEATURE_FIELDNAMES, restkey='extra_fields', dialect='excel-tab') for row in reader: del row['extra_fields'] yield feature_class(extension=extension, **row)
[docs]def open_alignment_file(alignment_filename): if alignment_filename in ALIGNMENT_FILE_CACHE: return ALIGNMENT_FILE_CACHE[alignment_filename] alignment_file = pysam.AlignmentFile(alignment_filename, 'rb') try: alignment_file.check_index() except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('The alignments file {} is not in BAM format. Please supply an indexed BAM file.'.format(alignment_filename)) except ValueError: raise ValueError('The alignment file {} is not usable. Please supply an indexed BAM file.'.format(alignment_filename)) ALIGNMENT_FILE_CACHE[alignment_filename] = alignment_file return alignment_file
[docs]def filter_aligned_segments(aligned_segments, include_flags, exclude_flags, quality): """ Filter aligned segments using SAM flags and mapping quality. Parameters ---------- aligned_segments: list Aligned reads to filter. include_flags: list Reads matching any include flag will be returned. exclude_flags: list Reads matching any exclude flag will not be returned. quality: int Only reads with at least this mapping quality will be returned. Returns ------- filtered_aligned_segments: list The set of the aligned segments supplied to the function which meet the specified criteria. Examples -------- You probably want `include_flags` of [83, 99, 147, 163] and `exclude_flags` of [4, 8]. Flag 4 means the read is unmapped, 8 means the mate is unmapped. Properly paired and mapped forward aligned segments have flags in [99, 163] 99: - 1: read paired - 2: read mapped in proper pair - 32: mate reverse strand - 64: first in pair 163: - 1: read paired - 2: read mapped in proper pair - 32: mate reverse strand - 128: second in pair Properly paired and mapped reverse aligned segments have flags in [83, 147]. 83: - 1: read paired - 2: read mapped in proper pair - 16: read reverse strand - 64: first in pair 147: - 1: read paired - 2: read mapped in proper pair - 16: read reverse strand - 128: second in pair """ filtered_aligned_segments = [a for a in aligned_segments if all([ a.mapping_quality >= quality, any(map(lambda f: (a.flag & f) == f, include_flags)), all(map(lambda f: (a.flag & f) == 0, exclude_flags)) ])] return filtered_aligned_segments
[docs]def make_fastq_pair_reader(fastq_file1, fastq_file2): """ Return a generator producing pairs of records from two FASTQ files. The intent is to produce read pairs from paired-end sequence data. Parameters ---------- fastq_file1: str The name of the first FASTQ file. fastq_file2: str The name of the second FASTQ file. Yields ------ tuple A tuple containing two 4-element lists, one for each FASTQ record, representing the ID, sequence, comment, and quality lines. """ f1 = open_maybe_gzipped(fastq_file1) f2 = open_maybe_gzipped(fastq_file2) while True: yield ( [ next(f1).strip(), # name next(f1).strip(), # sequence next(f1).strip(), # comment ('+' line) next(f1).strip() # quality ], [ next(f2).strip(), # name next(f2).strip(), # sequence next(f2).strip(), # comment ('+' line) next(f2).strip() # quality ], )